1 min read

I.D.E.A. - Inclusion, Disability, Employment in Action

The main aim of the IDEA project is exchange of best practices and knowledge on innovative work-based learning methodologies (school-work programs, internships, apprenticeships etc.) for VET teachers, trainers and mentors to increase the current percentage of young people with disabilities who come to qualification and who enter in the labour market for the first time.

By implementing this project, among Italian, Spain, French, Romanian, Finnish and Belgian organisations, we aim to discover our neighbours context, practices, challenges and initiatives, regarding the access of disabled learner on vocational training.

Expected impacts

  • on the participants involved in the short-time joint staff training events: improvement of the hard skills and competences of training and job service providers in terms of methodologies to foster the first flow of young people with disability into the labour market. Furthermore, project participants will discover new environment and work cultures. It also will strengthen transversal key competences, such as learning-to-learn and communication skills, a sense of initiative and European citizenship.
  • participating organisations and their professionals – not directly involved in the project - will improve the quality of services and the adoption of innovative work practices, organisational learning by discovering new and different methodologies for the employment of people with disability. This will open their perspective and increase their self-confidence in a basilar understanding of European Union Programmes, especially in Erasmus Programme.
  • indirect target groups young with disabilities benefit from the best practice exchanged in terms of new approaches, new methodologies in order to increase their employability, selfconfidence and economic and social independence.
  • other relevant stakeholders will involve in each short-time joint training to reinforce the mutual enrichment of practice and networking at bilateral, regional/national.

Project facts


Erasmus + KA2

Project duration

01.10.2021 - 30.09.2023

Project coordinator

Jasmin Al Kurdi
p.040 198 9292

Project partners
  • IAL - Innovazione Apprendimento Lavoro Lombardia Srl - Impresa Sociale
  • Association de Recherche et de Formation sur l'Insertionen Europe
  • Fédération Médico-Sociale
  • Asociatia Institutul pentru Parteneriat Social Bucovina
  • amadip.esment fundación
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