Whistleblowing service

A channel for reporting suspected misdemeanour.

    We want to do the right thing

    We want each person to be able to report suspected misdemeanour that is not in line with Live’s values and principles. This enables us to prevent or correct misdemeanour.


    The whistle-blowing policy is based on a confidential channel where people can report suspected misdemeanour or other violations.

    Examples of suspected misdemeanour include financial mismanagement, legal misconduct or other unethical activities in violation of Live’s operating culture. Live’s employees can also report their suspicions in the whistle-blowing channel.

    Investigation and confidentiality

    Our whistle-blowing channel is provided by an external supplier, ensuring the anonymity of the report throughout the processing. The person submitting the report can also include their name, if they want. The reports received in the whistle-blowing channel are only processed by appointed individuals at Live. They will launch the necessary investigation and the processing is confidential. Confidentiality is also complied with when the person submitting the report includes their name in the report. When a report is submitted in the First Whistle system, the reporting team receives the information and acknowledges the reception and processing of the report within 7 days. All the activities related to the report are recorded in the system from submitting the report to asking for and providing more information, processing the report and concluding the process.

    The whistle-blowing channel is only designed for reporting suspected misdemeanour. The channel is not designed for submitting customer feedback or complaints. Submit a report here: https://www.firstwhistle.fi/live